Has The Recent Rogue Nerfs Gutted The Dmg

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Has The Recent Rogue Nerfs Gutted The Dmg

It's been a long time since we had any kind of buff patch, so it's only natural that community has some questions. CM Dylan Bates tried to answer the most common ones. You can read the entire FAQ below, but here's a summary:

  • No Dust refund for buffed cards (duh).
  • More Arms (the spell you get after casting Extra Arms) also costs 2 mana.
  • More buffs MIGHT come in future (but they aren't sure yet, it depends on how this round goes).
  • Preparation was on their radar for a long time, it was a card they had to design everything for Rogue around. They nerfed it now, because Rogue was in a strong spot and they knew that the class can withstand it.
  • No Warrior nerf, because the class already has bad matchups vs some Hunter and Mage decks (which became popular after Rogue nerf). If necessary, they will step in.

Hey, everyone!


It's been a long time since we had any kind of buff patch, so it's only natural that community has some questions. CM Dylan Bates tried to answer the most common ones. You can read the entire FAQ below, but here's a summary:

  • No Dust refund for buffed cards (duh).
  • More Arms (the spell you get after casting Extra Arms) also costs 2 mana.
  • More buffs MIGHT come in future (but they aren't sure yet, it depends on how this round goes).
  • Preparation was on their radar for a long time, it was a card they had to design everything for Rogue around. They nerfed it now, because Rogue was in a strong spot and they knew that the class can withstand it.
  • No Warrior nerf, because the class already has bad matchups vs some Hunter and Mage decks (which became popular after Rogue nerf). If necessary, they will step in.

Hey, everyone!

Feb 22, 2020  We were gutted because people got mad about us doing good in a raid designed for spread DOT dmg, while ignoring that shadow priest was already struggling in the rest of the game, While it's very much true shadow was struggling in other aspects of the game, it was not only spread damage. Jun 29, 2017  'Hearthstone' Nerfs The Most Irritating Deck In The Un'Goro Era Paul Tassi Senior Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Since we announced the Rise of the Mech update (and all of the card buffs coming along with it) we've seen several questions repeatedly pop up in community discussions. We've gathered some answers from the Hearthstone development team here to hopefully clear up some confusion and provide more clarity on the execution and philosophy behind these changes.

  • Will there be dust refunds for buffed cards?
    • Philosophically, cards that we feel we've improved won't be eligible for refunds.
  • Is Extra Arms cost reduced for the additional copy as well?
    • More Arms will also cost 2 mana.
  • Will any other sets be buffed in the future?
    • We will be watching closely how this round of buffs goes. We like the idea of doing this kind of thing in the future, but can't commit to anything solid quite yet.
  • It currently feels like most if not all Rogue decks are built around Preparation due to how Rogue spells have synergy with it. What was the thought process behind not nerfing Prep earlier? Doing so now feels like Rogue is effectively gutted.
    • Prep fits exactly what we think the Rogue kit should be about, just at a power level that makes it feel like it should be included in all possible Rogue archetypes. It's one of the cards we find ourselves designing around the most because it makes it difficult to make reasonably powerful Rogue spells in the circumstance where they aren't being used with Prep.
    • When we have a change in mind to a Basic or Classic card we would rather make that change at a time a whole new suite of cards are coming into the game or when the class we're changing can withstand a power level decrease and still have powerful archetypes.
  • Why no Warrior nerfs?
    • Warrior has enough matchups with classes like Hunter and Mage that we thought would allow the meta to shift on its own if something like Control Warrior became the new most popular archetype. Of course, we will monitor player perception and data on a daily basis and will continue to evaluate if any more changes become necessary.
  • How did you select the cards from each class to be buffed?
    • We chose cards based on how fun or interesting we feel they are to play in relation to how much they are currently being utilized. In this case, the cards that were selected are part of the Rise of the Mechs event, which is specific to The Boomsday Project set. There were many cards that were played less than the cards we chose, but these are the ones that we believed led to the most fun experiences without making decks that are already very powerful even better.
  • How long have you been thinking about / working on these buffs?
    • We've been thinking about them for a while! Generally, the goal with past events and this event are the same. We want to try different ways to make the game feel fresh beyond the first month or two of a new expansion release. Buffing cards is one way to do that. Feedback has been very positive so far so we're looking forward to seeing how the changes shake out when the patch is live.

The Rogue is getting a bit of a nerf in Hearthstone as announced in the forums today. The change concerns the 'Caverns Below' card, which requires you to send out four copies of the same type of card. Upon completion of the Caverns Below quest all minions become 5/5 monsters which makes it incredibly easy to spawn a powerful stable of creatures.

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Has The Recent Rogue Nerfs Gutted The Dmg 2

f you're new to Hearthstone, give these beginner decks a try.

Sep 17, 2019  When the monster is trapped, paralyzed, or knocked down, get into Archdemon mode and combo with your Demon Flurry move. Demon Flurry does not use up stamina and is great in dealing massive damage. Just be careful to keep your Demon Gauge up. Archdemon Mode Attack Combo. Demon Flurry Rush; 2. Rising Slash; 3. Double Slash; 4. Double Slash Return Stroke; 5. In general longsword doesn't really have an optimal combo in the same way other weapons do, it's more just about getting in as many attacks as you can with your infinite combo and then using an evasive action to get out of there, in most cases that will be fade slash (triangle+circle attack) but foresight slash and just a good old fashioned roll have their place as well. Monster Hunter World has a ton of weapons to master. Not only that, but each weapon has often tricky combos to pull off different moves. To get the most out of each weapon, you'll not only have. https://generationever.mystrikingly.com/blog/optimal-weapon-combos-dmg-mhw. The new top tier weapon set in Monster Hunter World's Iceborne expansion belongs to the Acidic Glavenus family. Each weapon of its type has the highest raw damage output, as well as a hidden.

Has The Recent Rogue Nerfs Gutted The Dmg Free

However, there have been complaints that the Caverns Below card makes the Rogue too overpowered, so now instead of four cards to complete its requirements, you have to send out five. Blizzard stated this was to prevent slower, control-oriented decks from becoming irrelevant. The change should keep a wider range of decks valid instead of everyone just playing as the Rogue. Zenistar dmg or attack speed.

Has The Recent Rogue Nerfs Gutted The Dmg Lyrics

The Caverns Below balance change is just part of a large effort to rebalance Hearthstone. You should see the new update rollout in the next couple of days as the new season of competitive play begins.

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