Optimal Weapon Combos Dmg Mhw

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Sounds like you don't actually know what circle does. Fired after a regular shot or during a charge it will fire a spread of arrows one level higher than the last. Also a spread shot does more than an uncharged shot if the arrows all hit. Optimal damage combo would be circle r2 r2 circle tri+circle. The hammer is a weapon in MHW that deals massive amounts of impact damage with an easy to learn move set. This guide is meant for new players trying to learn the hammer and veterans that need a quick brush up before smashing faces. Basic Move List Unsheathe Attack- While moving with the weapon. DPS is about consistent damage. The charge blade has alot of situational requirements in order for it to maintain optimal damage per second, as well as spurts of downtime. Weapons that can consistently maintain their uptime on self buffs are going to have higher sustained damage outputs, or DPS.

  1. Optimal Weapon Combos Dmg Mhw List
  2. Optimal Weapon Combos Dmg Mhw Download

Blunt Damage

One of the three primary Damage Types used when tallying damage multipliers.

Blunt Damage is a Damage Type in Monster Hunter World (MHW). This damage type is primarily dealt by Hammers and Hunting Horns, but is also dealt by specific attacks from certain weapons, such as shield bashes, the Bow's Arc Shot, and some Kinsects.

In the same way that Cut and Ammo damage work, damage of this type will be subjected to its own multiplier based on the part of a Monster that receives it. For example, the heads of most monsters will often receive much more damage than legs or wings. See the articles about individual Large Monsters for information on their parts damage multipliers.

The Blunt Damage multiplier is separate from the combo move multiplier used by individual attacks of a weapon. See the article on Attack Power for the multipliers used in calculating damage.

An important property of Blunt Damage is its ability to cause both KO and Exhaust buildup. Hitting the heads of Monsters will cause KO buildup, while hitting the bodies of Monsters will cause Exhaust buildup. Hammers cause more KO buildup than Hunting Horns.

Optimal Weapon Combos Dmg Mhw List

Blunt Damage Weapons & Combos

  • Hunting Horn attacks
  • Hammer attacks
  • Great Sword Side Blow and Tackle attacks
  • Sword & Shield and Lance Shield Bash attacks
  • Charge Blade Guard Points
  • Lower half of Insect Glaive
  • Bow Arc Shot attack
  • Light and Heavy Bowgun Bash attacks

Monsters who are weak to Blunt Damage

  • Sample Monster
  • Sample Monster
  • Sample Monster
Elemental Damage
Dragon Element ♦ Fire Element ♦ Ice Element ♦ Thunder Element ♦ Water Element

Last updated on October 21st, 2018

Monster Hunter World (MHW) features 14 different weapon types, with the Hammer being one of them. In this Guide we'll take a look at exactly how to use this Weapon to its fullest, as well as show you some things you may not know about it. If you're new to the game or you are a veteran of the franchise and just need a quick refresher, this Guide is for you.

Hammer Guide

The Hammer is a great choice of weapon for those that like to attack a bit slower but deal more damage. Unlike the Great Sword, the Hammer deals Blunt Damage which is excellent for Stunning Monsters. And also unlike the Great Sword, players can move while performing their Charge Attacks, making this weapon a bit easier to use for new players to the game. When you pull off combos with the Hammer you can actually see and 'feel' the damage you are doing, making this weapon extremely satisfying to wield.

  • Difficulty: Low to Moderate
  • Role: DPS/CC
  • Mobility: Good
  • Sharpness: Low

Basic Combos

Optimal weapon combos dmg mhw guide
  • The combos with the Hammer are some of the easiest in the game and the first is simply 3 that does 2 overhead smashes followed by an upswing.
  • The next combo comes from a tier 1 charge of , , , and the last is from a tier 2 charge of an , , . You will also do some variations of these attacks if you move forward while charged, but they all follow up with as well.
  • The Hammer also has an awesome overhead smash if you press , but you cannot strike a second time unless you connect on the first swing and you cannot connect a third time if you miss on the second, and so on up to a total of 5 swings. This combo is a great way to Stun monsters if you can pull it off and has some of the highest damage in the game vs. downed monsters (kudos to Viotech from the MHW Discord for that tip).

As you can see from the image you can chain R2 Charge Attacks much the way you can with the Great Sword.

Special Attacks and Things of Interest

  • Much like the Great Sword the Hammer has Charge Attacks that have 3 tiers. Holding longer will cause the Hammer to pulse increasing the tier each second or so maxing out at tier 3. Unlike the Great Sword though, you cannot 'Overcharge' the Hammer and you can hold the last charge until you run out of Stamina (which will drain if you move at all). This allows you to pre-charge your Hammer before you engage.
  • If you press while you are charging your Hammer you will gain a buff that increases both attack damage and stun damage, as well as giving you minor hyper armor during your Charge Attacks. This buff will end if you are sheath your weapon or are struck by an attack that causes you to flinch or be sent flying.

Hard to see from the GIF but by charging and pressing Circle you actually gain a buff that prevents knockback and stun when using some attacks.

Final Tips

Hammers tend to have very low Elemental Damage and Sharpness, which can be problematic. Be sure there to keep an eye on your Sharpness and use a Whetstone when needed, preferably when you've KOed a monster or when you are chasing after one.

Always try to position yourself at the head of the monster you are fighting. You are most effective when striking it because of the high Stun Damage you deal and Stunning monsters will give you and your group some free damage, so you should constantly be aiming to KO them.

Optimal Weapon Combos Dmg Mhw Download

Pounding that head stuns the monster, which allows for easy attacks for your team.

You cannot Block with the Hammer (like you can with the Great Sword), so players using one must learn to Evade attacks. Because the Hammer has a shorter reach that most heavy weapons, this is more important than usual because you will be in the thick of it quite often in order to connect hits.

Because Hammers can knock other players flying be sure to stay clear of them when playing with other players who use them and try to avoid hitting others when you are using one (particularly when you upswing).

Lastly, Hammers have much shorter reach than you would think, especially when compared with the Great Sword. They make up for this though with high mobility, allowing them to move while charging. Make the most of that advantage and learn to hold your charges until you are sure they will connect, just be sure to keep a close eye on your Stamina when doing so.

Be sure to check out our other Weapon and Monster Guides for all your needs and if you have specific questions be sure to check out the Monster Hunter World Wiki. Good Luck Hunters! May the furs be with you!

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